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Become A famous artist with Decliped label

Unlock your potential, allow yourself to be heard and
monetize your creativity

We can offer


We provide a personal manager who will answer all your questions, help you choose a development plan for you as an artist, and also help you properly organize the release of the track

Free Track

We fully pay for high-quality promotion and do not deduct the cost of it from the artist's royalties. The promotion is aimed at attracting organic traffic consisting of 100% live listeners

Help In Finishing

Get help in refining the track from our team of professionals so that it achieves maximum results. The help includes everything from track information to finalizing an idea

And Support

Join our friendly community of artists aimed at support and development! We actively interact on social media and help each other grow

Free Cover

Forget about deductions from royalties for the cover or video for the track. All graphic materials for each release are 100% free and are made by our design team

Pitch a Release
to Playlists

Get into the playlists of all venues with your release thanks to our two-stage pitching. The first is at the distribution level. The second is directly by the playlist editor

What do artists say about Decliped?

Start Working with Decliped Right Now

And take the first step to be heard and
monetize your creativity

Need more info?

Learn More In Our
Press Kit

Decliped Press Kit.pdf

Have more than 100K monthly listeners on any platform?

We Have a Special Offer for You

Сontact the manager and we will provide you with a special offer

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